Welcome to my ‘Heal your Roots’ page.
I am facilitating International groups and trainings in
Family and Systemic Constellations and Trauma Healing,
‘Heal your Roots’
All groups and trainings are currently held online (in English)
Heal your Roots
Introductory Online Workshop
Wednesday, March 19, 2025 18-21 CET
Further information contact: chetantarika@gmail.com
“Heal your Roots”
10 evenings
Sharing, Family and Systemic Constellations, Meditation, Trauma Healing structures
Next course:
15. April – 1. July 2025 (bookings are open)
During challenging times we might get triggered, old traumas and unresolved issues from the past may show up in unexpected ways and disturb and even shatter us. I created this weekly course so that people have a place to share and be listened to, without being judged or given uninvited feedback or advice. We start every session with a short body oriented meditation, followed by sharing. Then I will work with one participant on a specific issue. This could be a constellation or a body focused trauma work, depending on the issue. Whether you work on your own theme or you are taking a role in someone’s constellation, or you are ‘just’ an observing participant, in any case you will benefit for your own life, by being in a healing field together. You will gain a deeper understanding of the universality of human nature and suffering, or you may identify with themes of others. We will learn together and support each other. Participants have shared in past courses that this group is the only place for them to open up about their deepest issues.
You will learn:
How old patterns from our family of origin still influence us deeply.
How you can resolve them and live a more fulfilled life.
What supports you in your healing process.
How you can let go of destructive habits.
How you can create strong resources and use them.
How you can understand yourself and others better.
Healing rituals, meditations, small structures to support you in your daily life
Meeting times:
Every Tuesday 6 – 8pm CET, 7 – 9pm IST, 9 – 11am PST
10 sessions of 2 hours.
Who is this course for: Everyone, who wants to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and live a more content and fulfilled life. I recommend it especially for people working with people, therapists, social workers, teachers, coaches. Please note: This is not a training course, but a self- awareness group!
Fee: 350,00€
For further information and booking please contact me :
Mail: sakino1082@aol.com
Limited number of spaces!
Here is a feedback from one of the participants of the Online Basic Course:
‘I am one of the fortunate participants who is about to join for the 5th time. The international character of these meetings and the outstanding skills of Sakino as a professional facilitator, make to me the Tuesday evening meetings an important moment of the week where we can share and learn. I have made a big shift in my personal growth throughout the last year, thanks to this wonderful group and the loving care of Sakino’.(E.F. Netherlands)
“Heal your Roots”
Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing Training
What is Family and Systemic Constellation?
Family and Systemic Constellations are gentle yet powerful techniques that reveal and disentangle our family ties. Constellations help us understand that we are influenced by any system that we belong to.
Through Family and Systemic Constellations
We will reveal behavior patterns in the family system that continue from generation to generation
We will understand the hidden dynamics in our family
We will get different perspective and a deeper understanding of our emotional and behavioral patterns
We will allow full acceptance of the facts that have occurred in the past, thus solving their harmful effects on our lives
We will bring healing, acceptance and completion to relationships in our lives
We will allow love that has been frozen to flow again and a very ancient sense of separateness to dissolve itself
We will feel connected again, to ourselves, to our loved ones, to life
This method can also be used for study in organizations and teams
Is the training suitable for me and what will I get from it?
First and foremost, you will learn about my special approach to therapy and counseling. My attitude to human condition, my patience and ability to create a safe container are what makes the teaching a deep and unique experience.
If you are a therapist, counselor, coach, or anyone intending to engage in working with people, you can use the constellation method in individual and group settings.
The constellation method will enrich your professional toolbox by enabling you to uncover hidden dynamics in your client’s family system, in a way that is not possible with other treatment methods. Constellation is a fast way to detect and sometimes even repair unhealthy entanglements that may cause the client unnecessary suffering.
You, for yourself, will understand more deeply the dynamics of your family of origin, your past, your country, your culture, etc., that have shaped you and influenced who you have become.
You will accept and come to terms with your past and your origin, change destructive behavior patterns and live your life more freely and more satisfying.
Beyond the constellation techniques you will learn about storytelling, basic trauma healing methods and the art of listening to each other.
How is the training structured?
The training includes 6 Online teaching modules. Each module is held in 10 weekly evening classes of 4 hours = 40 hours (240 hours altogether, plus self study time). There will be a break of 4 weeks between each module for self study and homework assignments.
Each module deals with a specific topic:
Module 1 : Family Constellation – Basic Principles Part 1
We will conduct constellations of participant’s family of origin.
Participants will gain deeper understanding about the ‘orders of love’, which includes the basic principles of place, order and balance in family systems, as described by Bert Hellinger.
Module 2 : Family Constellation – Basic Principles Part 2
We will facilitate constellations on specific topics such as: relationships, body symptoms, cultural and social issues and more
Module 3 : Biography Seminar, – We will work in depth with participant’s personal life story, using genograms, photos and detailed information over several generations.
This module includes healing rituals and requires various preparations, which are assigned in Module 2.
Module 4 : Working with different themes, including trauma. You will learn about the dynamics of trauma, how to identify trauma symptoms and how to deal with trauma and how to protect from (re) experiencing trauma in constellations.
Module 5 : You will learn how to conduct constellations in individual sessions, using symbols, placeholders and imaginations. You will also learn to use constellations beyond the definition of a family, for example, corporations, social systems, etc. You will learn how to use constellation work online.
Module 6 : Practical Implementation and Supervision – Students will practice constellations with each other under supervision. You will learn how to practice self-care – how to protect yourself and stay healthy and strong while dealing with your client’s life issues, families, and relationships.
Participants will receive assignments between modules
The course will be conducted in English
After completing all parts of the training, you will receive a certificate of participation and completion. (If you are missing a module, you can catch up on the same module in another training within two years.)
Additionally there will be TWO days of IN PERSON CONSTELLATIONS (free of charge) with the training assistants in Berlin (Germany) and Pardes Hanna (Israel): Those days will take place between the first and second module and between the fifth and sixth module. Dates will be published shortly.
Participation in the training is only possible in full.
The Fee: 4.500 Euro
The Certificate
If you have attended all modules and fulfilled all the requirements of the program, you will receive an international certification on behalf of the “Joy of Living” institute in Germany. Since I am a member of the Official Psychotherapists Organization in Germany, as well as the “German Systemic Constellation Association”, the certificate is internationally recognized.
The next ‘Heal your Roots’
Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing
ONLINE Training
starts on 26. June 2025!
Module 1: 26. June – 28. August 2025
Module 2: 9. October – 11. December 2025
Module 3: 15. January – 19. March 2026
Module 4: 23. April – 25. June 2026
Module 5: 30. July – 1. October 2026
Module 6: 5. November 2026 – 21. January 2027 (no class on 24. and 31.Dec)
The training takes place on Thursdays: 6-10pm IST 5-9pm CET 8-12am PST
Please get all details and reserve your space
by getting in touch with:
Tarika: chetantarika@gmail.com
Phone: +972 (0) 54 553 4006
Testimonials from students:
This course is the most meaningful and valuable gift I’ve ever given myself! It has changed my life and I thank myself and Sakino for that new path. Coming from the field of human services in high-tech organizations, this course introduced me to a completely new and exciting world that has deeply impacted me – both personally and professionally. Sakino, with her years of experience and incredible professionalism, has created a gentle and unique method of working with family constellation and Trauma. Her approach encourages my personal growth, self-reflection, and development through curiosity without judgement. During the course, I learned many practical tools that I can use in my every day life , not only in therapeutic settings but also in my personal and professional interactions. These tools have helped me better understand relationships, handle conflicts more effectively, and communicate with greater compassion and clarity. The course is thoughtfully structured, with a majority of hands-on practice, personal reflection, and experiential learning. If you’re looking for a way to grow personally, learn new skills, and help others make real changes in their lives, this course is perfect for you. Sakino is an outstanding teacher with decades of experience, and she gives you the tools to work with people and help them create meaningful change, both in their relationships with others and in their relationship with themselves.’ L.P.
‘The process I went through in my studies with Sakino was one of the most significant things I have done in my life. It is a process that has brought a great deal of health, tranquility and harmony to my life. Sakino holds a healing space I have never seen before. A safe, enabling and very very attentive space, where even the most sensitive person receives visibility, recognition and respect for his needs, along with the deep healing of past experiences. It is a space where wounds can rise to the surface and heal. A space that teaches us to be more attentive to ourselves. In these encounters I discovered truths that lived in me unconsciously, and I rediscovered myself in very deep ways, that I had not experienced before. Like a key detector, this process knows how to locate key issues that live within us, and allow subtle yet deep changes, to occur. I learned a lot from Sakino, both as a clinic therapist, and as a constellation and group facilitator. In fact, Sakino understands trauma and post-trauma expressions in the most detailed, professional and profound way I have ever encountered, and therefore, the space she holds knows how to address all of these very well. This is an experience that I recommend to anyone who loves themselves, and love people, even before addressing the rich professional tools that this course provides. The experience of the constellations with Sakino, builds inside the knowing that there is a place for everything, and for everyone within the group, within the whole. The family constellation itself is a tool that has both the ability to really touch the root, very quickly and very sharply, as well as a space of magic, and healing that is sometimes experienced as a miracle. Therefore, I recommend therapists and group facilitators to give themselves this gift, heal the roots of their being, and become better therapists and facilitators, with a larger and more attentive container. Thank you dear Sakino, for all you have given me, personally and professionally. A.E.O.
‘My constellation teacher Sakino Mathilde Sternberg has rich and deep study and experience, as well as being of German Origin. This healing and transformational work is her most precious gift to all people. Every constellation that we did including Holocaust material was undeniably strengthened by the inclusion of her presence as the powerful space-holder she is and also as someone of German origin.’ M.L.
Among all the things that came to my door in the year of Corona, there was the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and experience in ‘Family Constellation’. I discovered Sakino Mathilde Sternberg, a psychologist from Berlin, a constellation facilitator, and above all a sensitive, smart and unusual personality in the world. I went with her and with many other good people on a journey into the mind, the body, the awareness, the personal story, the trauma, and above all a journey to healing and recovery. With the constellation technique we can observe the breadth and depth of the situation, discover new perspectives on our story, receive hidden information and begin to change the old patterns. For me this meeting is life changing. I’m still walking the path and already closer to myself than ever. The way I look at the world and the people around me got a new perspective. My body started talking to me, meaning I started listening to it, and also to my heart.
Sakino has a wonderful ability to hold the space in the group, with deep listening and an open heart. She leads the participants with in-depth knowledge and rich experience, a precise combination of professionalism and ethics with humanity, empathy and love. S.E.
For information about individual sessions send me an email: sakino1082@aol.com