My work is guided by love, compassionate curiosity, meditation, systemic thinking, humor, and a deep rooted belief that every human being is capable of living a fulfilled life, independent of age, income, profession or other external circumstances. I use a variety of methods and ways which I myself have experienced as being helpful:
- Systemic methods support a deeper understanding of our own emotions and actions in in the frame of a bigger system (e.g family, society, company). They help finding a good place in life and keys for solutions. They are: systemic and family constellations, biographical research, role plays and others
- Emotional work frees from emotional burdens
- Trauma healing methods support healing on a physical and emotional level: e.g. SE, NARM
- Sharing and listening supports trust in oneself and others
- Dance and movement loosen the body and create endorphins and joy
- Visualisations support the power of imagination and help manifesting goals
- Rituals create a frame for healing to happen
- Homework support one’s own initiative and strengthen self esteem
- Humor relaxes
- Meditation fills the center
Clients consult me for several concerns:
- They wish to change something in their lives
- They are in a crisis
- They suffer from: burnout, anxiety, depression, addiction, physical or psychological diseases
- They have gone through severe traumatic experiences: physical or sexual abuse during childhood or later in life, severe neglect during childhood, separation from primary persons, diseases, surgery etc
- They have experienced trauma later in life: rape, accidents, war, violence, illnesses, abortion, miscarriage, catastrophes, loss of home/property, loss of loved one, loss of work, mobbing, or other
- They suffer from the effects of transgenerational transfer of trauma
- They are in a relationship crisis/divorce/separation
- They want to study and learn about human condition
My counseling includes:
- Individual sessions
- Couple- and family counseling
- Seminars and workshops on several subjects
- Supervision for teams, companies
- Trainings and education for professionals: therapists, counselors, teachers, coaches, and others as well as for non professionals who wish to gain more insights and understanding.
In the first interview with a client we are looking for a fitting program together, which might include individual sessions and workshops on specific themes. Duration and format of counseling are tailored to the needs of the client.
My counseling/therapy are no substitute for psychiatric and/or medical treatment.
Therapy/counseling/ first interview are liable to costs! No health insurance cooperation.