My workshops and seminars are an invitation for everyone who wishes to get to know and understand themselves more deeply, seeks for help in difficult life situations, wants to discover new possibilities and/or wants to discover new paths. I offer seminars and workshops on several subjects:
Family and Systemic Constellations and Trauma Healing
This is a specific individual work within a group setting where different therapeutic techniques are used, such as family and systemic constellations, trauma healing methods and others, to reach good solutions for the client. After each individual work there is space for questions, feedback and sharing of their own experiences for the other participants. This creates an energy of love and mutual support which enhances healing for all. 1 /3 days workshops. *For more informations about Family and Systemic Constellation please read my article in my blog: “The healing power of family and systemic constellation work” . For detailled description for the trainings please go to ‘Heal your Roots’ section.
Biography seminar: „Back to the roots“
How does our family of origin influence our life until this day? This seminar is about telling and listening to life stories, collect informations, create genograms, understanding family dynamics and healing old wounds from the past. One of the most beautiful gifts you can give to yourself. 3 days workshops.
The Art of taking care of yourself
How do I take care of myself? Am I physically, mentally and psychologically healthy? Do I have to recharge my batteries to regain my strength and be fully able to face my life with all it’s challenges? This seminar is for anyone who wants to learn to take good care of themselves and others. 2 days.