
COVID-19 Update:

I have provided my clinic with air cleaners for optimal  protection. I am following the guidelines for attending social events (concerning vaccination, recovery, Covid testing, masks)

Individual sessions are available online on zoom or Skype.

You find upcoming workshops and all other programs under ‘Termine/Dates‘.

Please contact me about any issue that you want to know about!  

Email: sakino1082@aol.com

Stay safe and be well.

Follow my blog for new videos on my YouTube channel. A new video is available with a talk that Irvin Yalom and I gave to our Israel friends.

The next  ‘Heal your Roots’ Basic Online Course

starts  27. August 2024 – 29. October 2024

Bookings are open!


Coming up in Summer 2025:

“Heal your Roots”

Family and Systemic Constellation and Trauma Healing Training

For more details and booking go toHeal your Roots page

Germany United_Kingdom


Joy of Living

” I believe the purpose of life is to be happy. From the moment of birth, every human being wants happiness not suffering. Neither social conditioning nor education nor ideology affect this. From the very core of our being, we desire contentment. Therefore, it’s important to discover what will bring about the greatest degree of happiness. My own limited experience tells me it’s the development of love and compassion.” ~ Dalai Lama

The longing for happiness and fulfillment is an inherent part of being human. But what does it require to live a happy and fulfilled life?  Researchers have found, that for a big part we are capable of consciously creating a happy state of mind.  Sometimes the external conditions might not be ideal, but we always have a choice about our attitude. If you are at a point in your life that you don’t know what you can do to be happier and to feel more fulfilled, allow me to accompany you until you’ve regained your way. I have over 40 years experience as a psychotherapist, coach, supervisor and trainer for therapists. In my practice, located in Berlin Schöneberg, I offer individual and group sessions, as well as trainings. I work in Berlin and also internationally  in German and English.

I also offer counseling and therapy sessions via Skype and Zoom. I am looking forward to meeting you!

Please also visit my Facebookpage. You find actualized information as well as interesting publications on several subjects.