A New Life

Dear beloved friends,
in this ‘Sakino on Sunday’ video I share with you a few exercises which I adapted from Peter Levine, the founder of Somatic Experiencing,( next to a few thoughts on Easter.)
These exercises help me personally when I need to calm and relax and settle back into myself. I hope that they can support you too.
I think and believe that what we need most in these challenging weeks and months  is to support each other as best as we can, sharing our love, our knowledge and our care for each other.
Having said this, I wish you health and safety, and I hope that we can soon meet (again) in person.
I am available for sessions – in person and online.
Please feel invited to get in touch with me.
Tel: ..491729146609
email: sakino 1082@aol.com
With love and gratitude

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