Change needs courage, determination, motivation, perseverance

I just came back from an incredible week that I spent with a group of people in Ali Bey in Turkey. We engaged in a program called Lifestyletraining, which is basically physical training in high intensity, and it is geared to gain physical strength to ‘stay strong – stay young’.
3 1/2 years ago I decided that it was time for me to make a change (again) in my lifestyle. I had stopped doing physical activities, including dancing (which I love) because I was ‘too busy’ working. But with the years I caught many heavy infections, and each one threw me off for 2 weeks or more. At that time I had suffered from another (the third in that year), and I felt if I didn’t change something now I would not be able to continue with what has become my greatest passion: my work with people. A friend and colleague kept telling me to do some sports, and now I was ready!
I subscribed into a fitness studio and got myself a Personal Trainer!
This was it! I loved it from the first moment. I was very lucky to find a trainer who I really like and who trained with me in a way that I could handle: strong, but not too demanding, going to my limits, but also respecting when I was overstressed.
I train 3 – 4 times a week for a half hour.
I also changed my eating habits – at least in some aspects. I still love sweet more than anything, but I eat more proteins, good carbs etc. My body has changed, and most importantly: I have not been sick in 3 years! I only had one infection last month, but even then I could still work.
My immune system has become so much stronger, and I also started dancing again. For almost 3 years now I am dancing ‘Lindy Hop’, and even performing! The training gives me the strength to do it!
Why I am telling this? Because I believe that in order to stay strong and young, one has to engage in intensity training. It does not take that much time, but the benefits are priceless: You become healthier, stronger, more lively and last but not least much happier, because the body produces all those beautiful substances like endorphins and serotonin, which are antidotal to depression, anxiety, addiction and other unhappy states of mind.

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