Living Young

Many times people ask me: What is it that makes you look so young?
Well, I think, mostly it is, because I have good genes.
But there is also something more to it.
At one point in my life I chose to live exactly how I want to, make very little compromises (only if absolutely needed for survival) and do what I love to do.
I also move my body, train, dance and give it pleasure.
My eating habits could be improved, but I am getting better at it.
I smile, I love, I share myself and do new things often.
Of course I am experiencing pain and suffering at times, and I am not avoiding it. But I try my best to learn from all the challenges life is providing.
And I am grateful that I am alive, that I have food, a place to stay, clothes, nice things, culture, music and more.
And I have friends all over the world, who I love and care for, and who love me and care for me.
Maybe that’s why I am looking young.
I wish you a blessed day❤

Last Modified on March 15, 2017
this article Living Young

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