Walk the walk

My very dear teacher and friend Veeresh said many years ago: When you want to be an authentic honest teacher, you have to be the same person on stage as you are behind the stage. Wow! This was truly a discovery for me. In my studies and in my education as a therapist I had not really learned that. It was mostly about learning and performing the therapeutic techniques well. How I was dealing with issues in my private life was not really important for the performance. Gladly I became friends with Veeresh and his staff at the Humaniversity, and so I learned to become myself more and more. There is nothing to hide, who I am is what I show, whether it is in my work with people or in my private relationships. I am teaching what I am living. Talk the talk, walk the walk. It is as simple as that.

Last Modified on June 23, 2017
this article Walk the walk

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